New Market Research Outlines how Adopting Tech-Centric Yard and Dock Management Strategies is Critical for Supply Chain Success

Rising transportation costs, the persistent driver shortage, and ongoing capacity crunches are just a few external variables impacting the supply chain and making it difficult for companies to be productive, efficient, and profitable.
Add the rigors of e-commerce, omni-channel distribution, and changing customer demands to the list and you wind up with an environment that’s challenging for even the most seasoned logistics and supply chain professionals.
To help supply chain professionals address today’s key logistics concerns and understand how automated solutions can better coordinate and streamline their operations, Peerless Research Group (PRG), on behalf of Logistics Management and Supply Chain Management Review, conducted a survey.
This report is focused on how shippers are leveraging yard management and dock scheduling technology to improve their freight services and overall profitability.
“Supply chain managers using YMS have found that overall yard operations are more accurate as trailers now show up at the right door and at the right time. In addition, inventory visibility, planning, and flow-through have all significantly improved. These benefits increase exponentially when wireless technology is added to the mix; at which point communication improves, delivery is more reliable, information on container-loads is more timely, and transference time is abridged”, Peerless Research Group
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About C3 Solutions
C3 Solutions is an information technology company specialized in yard management (YMS) and dock scheduling (DSS) systems. Since its founding in 2000, C3 has gained the confidence of clients around the world and across many industries including retail, grocery, distribution, manufacturing and parcel post.
Headquartered in Montreal (QC), Canada and privately owned, C3 is dedicated to developing, implementing and supporting the most complete yard management and dock scheduling products on the market today.