How can we help you today?
C3 offers emergency support 24/7.
Support is provided by C3 resources located at C3 Solutions’ offices in Montreal, Canada.
Customers may report issues either via our online issue tracking tool (for medium & low severity issues) or by calling our emergency hotline (for high & critical severity issues). When using the emergency hotline, our support resources are contacted right away and will be providing assistance according to our standard support agreement. For other non-critical issues, C3 resources will be responding within C3’s business hours. JIRA, our issue reporting tool, is typically used by C3 resources to provide feedback on issues. If needed, we will contact the customer by phone or even send a WebEx invitation if screen sharing is needed to help the investigation.
C3 guarantees between 99.0 % and 99.9% uptime depending on the selected Service Program package.
We have up to date replicas of our customers’ production environments on platforms we use to test security patches, major configuration changes and software version upgrades before releasing them in production. We generally release 2-3 versions per year and deploy them in production during a predetermined maintenance window. We usually try to keep all of our customers on the latest version whenever possible. The control a customer has on receiving upgrades will vary based on their selected service program level. We have created deployment and configuration tools that minimize the need for downtime in most cases.